Rabu, 30 November 2011

inside my doctor jacket's pocket :-)

Ok, ini critanya apaan aja sih yang gue bawa di kantong jaket dokter gue.. Hahahahah...ini looo benda2 ajaib di dalamnya. Waktu kuliah dan pendidikan spesialis gue kan emang terkenal lengkap, atau sok lengkap kalo bawa alat2 baik tulis menulis ataupun pemeriksaan,,, hahahah, skarang ternyata masih kebawa... Bukan yulia namanya kalo gak heboh dengan pritilan, ya kan?

Jadi inilah dia.. Jerejeng

Jaketnya, mmm snelly deeeng... Ada banyak pin dong, biar anak kecilnya bisa mainin pinpin gue kalo lg diperiksa jadi gak rewel, hahahha,kepedean... hahahah

Trus ini dia dalem kantongnyaa..

Hahahaha.. Banyak kan boo... Kantong kiri atas  isinya tentu si alat tulis..bolpen bolpen dr rep obat, gue gak butuh tastas dr rep obat(detailer) gue lebih butuh bolpen buat nulis status pasien rsu yang bejubel  butuh ttd buat ini itu, signature (no money), wkwkkw...pengabdian... pengabdian... Gak lupa tip ex rolling buat benerin tulisan2  mahasiswa yang acakadul hahahah, sama termometer digital saku gue, hmmm andalan niiih, bluelight microlife, kalo kata yang jual, SBY aja pakenya ini dok waktu pemeriksaan kesehatan kepresidenan, beeeh.. Selanjutnya di kantong kanan bawah, hmm... Kunci serendeng senter sama meteran, penting nih, scara senter di rs pasti udah dodol baterenya, jd mesti ngusahain sendiri, plus meteran buat ngukur lingkar kepala, lingkar lengan atas...cieeeh...terusnya tempat kartu nama kate spade, buat naro kartu nama, love this one so much, dan sea island cotton pocketbac-nya victoria secret, dan sabun cair, lifesaving saat-saat kebelet boker, hahahah,.

Kantong kiri bawah, isinya gantungan kunci mobil dan handphone si bb torch mabok, ini soalnya tiap dipake nelpon layarnya kepencet pipi terus dan langsung bunyi2, sama iphone kesayangan.

Di dalem dada kanan juga ada kantongnya, isinya stempel nama gue ada 2 macem, satu pake nomer ijin praktek, yang satu polos, kartu nama rep yg baru dtg kemaren, lupa naro di rumah. Ada duit 50ribu, kali-kali aja kalo laper gue perlu jajan hahaha, sama kalkulator penting nih buat ngitung cairan sama dosis obat bayi, ada si kalkulator di hape tapi udah kebiasaan  bo dr dulu pake kalkulator. Hahahah

Satu lagi, tentunya stetoskop tercinta, spirit yang toonscope, lumayan lah, bayi2 seneng meganginnya, soalnya kan lucu gambar bonekanya..hahhaha

itu dia... bairpun udah gak sekolah, tetep dong harus lengkap... ala bisa karena biasa... makanya karena kebiasaan nenteng semuanya, makanya kebawa terus ampe sekarang....

Senin, 28 November 2011

mainan baru

Dan hari ni dapet mainanbaru.. apa itu? yaps samsung galaxy tab7+ dan sangat menyenangkan,
udah gila kali gue ada iphone, ipad, bb, laptop dan netbook masi aja pengen punya galaxy tab, alasannya adalah pertama gue pengen punya tablet yang handy, gak geda berat kayak ipad, terus gue pengen punya tablet yangmo donlod bajakan gak repot hahahahah, trus pengenpunya gadget android hahahahhaha biarkata aple yang terbaik tapiiiii mau android biar exis hahahahaha
wish me luck yaaaa

Minggu, 27 November 2011

Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Aih... Malasnya bangun pagi....

Aahhh.. Udah seminggu berangkat ke rumah sakit jam 9 pagi... Hahhaha...sebenernya niat gak si kerja? Hahahahha, parah... Abisan gimana lagi...tiap pagi mata kayaknya berat banget buat dibuka... Knapa yah? Apa gue harus re schedule jadwal kerja hahhaha seenak jidat ajah... Hmmm let see... Jadwal kerja gue itu kalau pagi ke Rumah Sakit Umum, eh sebelumnya visite pasien dulu di Rs swasta, Sari asih, hmm di RS ini emang si pasien rawat cuma 5 tapiii ribetnye ampun ampunan dah, mentang2 pasien swasta, hmmm... Ribet ini ada 2, pertama ribet keluarga pasien minta kejelasan ini itu plus pertanyaan klasik "kapan anak saya boleh pulang dokter? ", kedua ribet ngejelasin ke perawat ini itu plus ditelponin apotik ngebilangin obat gak ada dokter, diganti yang lain apa? Hadeeehhh... Nah, biasanya jam 7 gue udah start brangkat, seminggu ini, gue slalu brangkat jam 9 pagi hahahhahah, jadi deh sampe RSU jam stengah sebelasan... Hahahahhaha, mentang-mentang honorer, tapi gapapa deh yeee yang penting kerjaan penting gak terrlewatkan sama gue hahhahah, masa siiii... Nah kalo udah kayak gitu ya waktu untuk ke RS lainnya otomatis mundur dong ye, kan jadi kesiangan, jadwal praktek yang sharusnya jam 12 di RS kencana jadi bisa jam satu an, hahhahaha... Jadinya sangat gak produktif... Alhamdulillah de pasiennya ternyata dah maklum kelakuan dokternya jadi ya mau2 ajah nunggu hahahha...
Gimana niii solusinya biar bisa cepet bangun pagi.... Malem tidur kemaleman mulu si, ampe rumah jam 8an, abis itu ngalor ngidul liat dunia maya plus sinetron di tv ampe jam 1 hahhahah, paraahh....
Pokoknya mulai minggu depan harus mulai bangun pagi lagi dan semangaaaattt....

Ah... Birokrasi.. Birocracy what soever

Today when I arrived at public hospital, already 10 in the morning, I saw the little tiny baby, about 1 kg newborn in the radiant warmer, trying to breath, probably having asfixia, then I ask my nurses, "what about this baby? Born spontaniously or caesar? APGAR score? Amnionfluid?" and guess what, the nurse just said "Don't know yet dr, she just came, no news from the midwife in obgyn ward, and the status paper hasn't arrived yet!" o my god!!! Little baby, hardly breath, and nobody knew about the story... Hmmmm... I'm speechless, so I just said.. "Give oxygen, iv line, d10%, and antibiotics, and aminophylin iv, observed the temperature" the nurse said that they need permission from parents for iv line... What? Hahahahah, yes permission just a minute before the baby die? no way, i ordered to just do the iv line, no need permission for this situation. Paper anf birocracy? hmmmm. I asked the nurse about the airway, was it clean already? And they just answered, "don't think so dr, but we can do anything, there's no suction pipe appropriate for 1 kg baby right now" once again I'm speechless, hey, it's neonatology ward, that means they must have supplies of that kind of things. Oh well, what can I say...must be birocracy... Must have lots of 'paper' for having a little stock. So I just order the nurse, to contact the baby's family for neotanal ICU permission. And the nurse said "ok dr, as soon as we know the status... SKTM, JAMKESMAS or JAMPERSAL or the baby family have money..." aaaa... Another birocracy. Hello... I'm trying to save life here... Then I leave the baby and having my round in neonatology ward, visitting the low birth weight baby ward. When I was just having my round, Cathy, the midwife with doctor title (the big D) from Canada, who's doing research in Serang, with panic, came to me. She said "o my god!! What the hell is the low birthweigth newborn doing in the baby's room radiant warmer? She's supposed to be in the neonatal ICU!!!" hmmmm... Ok... Don't panic, that's the same thing I had in my mind minutes before... So I just explained it to Cathy about what the nurse just told me minutes before... And she was like in shock... "Really? Ok, just send the baby to NICU, I'll pay for her..." emmm, very nice.. But I said to Cathy, wait untill some minutes, maybe the parents also want the baby go to NICU. Cathy said that all of them think the baby was death, but when delivered the baby was breathing. It's the mother 3rd baby, the other 2 were death, and this pregnancy the mother having lots of bleeding. Very very poor... Then Cathy look at me with confusion, how come I can stand to work in this kind of birocracy, like everyone need approvement of something and while waiting, the baby can be death. Hahahahah, it's Indonesia. Yes Cathy, it is stressed me a lot, like u can have the skill and knowledge, but because don't have the facilities, then u can't do anything. Just for iv line for lifesaving, need 'paper' permission, to transfer patient must know how the payment methodes, just for one tiny suction, we need dr recipe with real sign, aaahhh birocracy... Think about how much we wasted for that kind of things...

Rabu, 16 November 2011

Againts antibiotics

GeoTagged, [S6.27669, W106.75005]

Haaaaahhh... Jengah bo kalo liat postingan kayak gitu... Orang awam yang kampanye ngelawan antibiotik membabi buta... Hadeeehhh... Harusnya mereka ada pengertian antara againts antibiotics sama use antibiotics wisely, itu beda kaliiii. Lebih jengah lagi kalo tenyata yang disalahin terutama paramedis... Ampuuunnn... Look, if u're not competent with the study, don't comment at all... Look at from my side, like i'm trying NOT to give my patient antibiotic but hey, they keep calling me and ask "antibiotiknya mana dok?" capeeee deeeee... Terus, dokter yang bener juga kan mikir dulu sebelum ngasi obat, bukan asal nulis doang, well...we studied for ages just to understand what's in our prescription. Trus liat juga gimana ibu2 dateng dengan segudang pertanyaan dan dengan gayanya gak mau kasih obat apapun sama anaknya, hmm...trus kalo gitu ngapain juga ke dokter?  tapi liat dong keadaan anaknya, sakit banget dan udah dibiarin seminggu... Dengan berbagai alasan "kasian kan dokter kalo keseringan dikasi obat, saya gak tega liatnya" kasian? Sementara dia aja kerja dari jam 7 pagi sampe jam 8 malem, gak kasian anaknya lagi sakit emaknya gak ada? Dibanding gak mau kasi obat pas anaknya sakit, bagusan gimana caranya nyegah tu anak biar gak sakit... Look, if u don't want any medication for ur baby, don't go to the doctor, it's ur baby anyway... What i'm trying to say is... Smart moms, just take advise from the doctors u believe in, then give the doctor ur full trust... Don't blame someone whose been studying about how to medicate people almost quarter of his/her life, and complaining with what u just read from newspaper, or googling and yahoo-ing. Ask them, NOT argue with them. If u don't like the therapies, don't give them to ur baby. Soooo... For me, it's better if they campaign the term, "use antibiotics wisely" instead of "againts antibiotics"

Selasa, 15 November 2011

Nasi padang is the best

Well, it been said that rendang is the best food in the world...not for me, i think nasi padang is the best one... Hahahahahah, look very2 annoying, dirty but the taste... Delicious... Love it so much... Whenever im not in the mood, one potion of nasi padang makes me in the mood again.. Favorite... Ayam gulai, cabai hijau and sayur singkonh, ow plus dedak rendang hehe... High cholesterol, high sugar, fat but can not live without it...


Akhirnya.. Bisa juga diaktifin blogwriter ini, ahhh... Bisa mulai rajin nulis di sini....
Udah nyoba diliat di pc... Hehehehe, fotonya gedaaaaa..